Monday, August 27, 2007


Got up early today made a quick stop at Mr. Donuts for breakfast and headed to my first class of the day Japanese. I like the teacher but I think I will drop it and move into the more advanced class. After that I had business ethics where when talking about Monopolies one student brought up Microsoft and talked about how he liked Macs better and another student argued that PC's were better and it made for a very entertaining class. After that I had about 4 hours of down time till Law started. The teacher for Law is a funny guy from Taiwan and he seems really cool. After law I just stay in the same classroom for Accounting which is taught by a Japanese guy that was born in Peru and speaks with a heavy Peruvian accent. He seemed pretty cool but accounting is accounting no matter who is teaching it.

After school I headed to Odaiba and waited for the Dad to get back from a trip. He brought back Sushi and some souvenir chopsticks. From there I headed back to Asakusa and got ready for bed.

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