Sunday, May 20, 2007

Boat Race

This morning I woke up to the sound of Taiko drums. I looked out my window and saw many more people on the beach then I usually see.

After breakfast I ventured out to the beach where they were doing Dragon Boat Races. This is a very cool thing to watch. They have somewhere around 20 people on the boat paddling it while one person at the head of the boat plays a Taiko drum to keep everyone rowing in time. Some of the boats seemed incredibly fast and I think there were a couple different teams. I set up in a chair on the beach and read over some papers for school. They had an announcer that kept people informed of the events that were taking place in the race. I wasn't listening intently cause I was reading over school stuff but one of the teams was called the Yokohama Darth Vaders and another name I head often was the Tokyo Dragons. I thought the Darth Vader name pretty good.

After that I headed back home. This picture below is of the living room / dining room. We had sushi today and it was sweet!

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