Friday, July 13, 2007

School, Work, and new Schedule

Japanese in the morning. The teacher is allowing us to use a cheat sheet for the test and then we'll have a 3 minute speech that we have to make for our final. In Art History we reviewed a bit and talked about what will be on the Final. After class we had Teacher Evaluations. Apparently, this is not something that is done in Japan so it was interesting that the Japanese students actually read and answered all the questions accurately, unlike the US students which typically check all top or all bottom scores based on if we like the teacher or not.

After class Natsume Fusanosuke, a top Manga critic in Japan came to speak at our school. His grandfather was Natsume Souseki, a famous Meiji period author who used to be on the 1000 yen note until 2 or 3 years ago. Natsume receives income just from different endorsements that he allows his Grandfather to be associated with. His Grandfather's image was used for a type of cookie and the cookie company sent him a large shipment of cookies as a extra thanks. Since he doesn't really have to work he just reads Manga and occasionally writes books on it. Pretty interesting guy. He gave his lecture in Japanese and there was a translator who translated everything he said.

I cut out early and made a quick stop home to grab some things and drop some stuff off before I headed to work. Today I just did the conversation table which basically means I'm paid to talk to people and occasionally explain words that they are unfamiliar with. It's cool cause it's really casual and doesn't really require a lot of effort on my part, so I'm able to relax at work. I think the conversation practice really allows the students a opportunity to practice that they would otherwise not have and alowes them to feel more comfortable with speaking.

I made my Fall schedule and it's gonna hurt, bad. I'm taking Japanese, Math, Accounting, Law, and a Business class. It's gonna hurt!


Anonymous said...

Love the picture.

Brendan Elliott (武戀殿・絵理夫) said...

Natsume Fusanosuke's _grandfather_ (not his father) was Natsume Souseki, a famous Meiji period author who used to be on the 1000 yen note until 2 or 3 years ago. I read a translation of his novel 'Kokoro' several years ago and really like it. A couple of his other famous works are 'Botchan' and 'I am Cat'. Near Waseda there is a stone marking his birthplace that I checked out. See the picture here. :) I wish I could have been able to see that talk! And you left early! :p