Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Movies, Last Final, and the Game Center
Monday, July 30, 2007
School and work
At work my students informed me of the election results which were very surprising. Many of the unlikely candidates were elected and the Democratic party took over from the previous party that has been in power for many years. Not really sure what changes will occur as a result but like most people my age I'm not really interested in politics.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Art History test tomarrow, should be good.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Recovery, work, and Heat
Friday, July 27, 2007
School, Work, and a Club
It's really hot recently and its difficult to go anywhere without sweating, which is probably a good part of the reason for the amount of drink machines around Tokyo.
After work I called my friend Charles and he told me about a party at a club called Salon De Sahara. Kouros and I headed out on the last train out of Daiba. The line normally goes straight to Shibuya where we were supposed to meet but I guess on the last train it only goes to Osaki before heading back. We waited in the train for it to continue but then heard the announcement that it was going back to where we started from so we got off the train thinking that the other trains had stopped. Luckily, the Yamanote line was still running and we packed into the train for 12 minutes and made it to Shibuya. When we got there we met up with Charles and tried for about 30 min to get a taxi but almost every taxi was full at that point cause the trains had stopped. We started walking in the direction of Akasaka which is where the club is and finally were able to get a cab and get there. Once we got there we wondered around the streets looking for this club and asking different people where it was. No one had heard of the club. Finally while we were regrouping and trying to figure out what to do a guy walked past that wanted to practice his English and said "Hello". We stopped him and asked him where the club was and he told us.
It was a large college party there and when we arrived there around 1 or 2 the place was still packed and there was a line out the building. Fortunately, because of a connection from Temple we were put on the list and able to get in at a discount. The place was packed wall to wall and it was hot. Most of the people there were from Sophia and Waseda Universities with some people from Temple as well. They had a couple DJ's keeping the place going at the front and some areas on the sides to sit and relax. I spent almost the entire night on the dance floor so I didn't see much else of the club. Shortly after we got there everyone was asked to move back from the front and two guys came to the front and started dancing. They were pretty good I guess and after then another set in white suits came and also did some dancing. The second set was better, mainly because of the white suits and the incorporation of moves done by Michael Jackson. Danced until morning and Kouros and I headed home around 5:30. It was a good night.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Test, work, and Home
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Meeting at school, Home, and Good Food
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
School, Shibuya, Shinjuku, and Shibuya agian.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Movies, Work, and Home
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Work, Hair Cut, and buying some books
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Sleep, Study, and Sushi
Friday, July 20, 2007
School, Meeting, Work
Thursday, July 19, 2007
School, Home, and a Supra
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
School, Home, and Sleep
Japanese and Art History like usual. The semester flew by, next week is pretty much all the final exams. Next semester should keep me pretty busy, right now I'm taking 16 credits, so I'll see how it goes and if it's too much I drop one of my classes.
After I got home I worked on my paper for Intellectual Heritage and I'm going to be meeting up with the teacher tomorrow to review it.
As I've mentioned before Japan has way to many shops that sell things for your pet dog. With all the things for your dog, from Onsen to Fancy treats it seems like cat owners are left out, but not in Odaiba. Not far from my house if this place that sells all the cat related merchandise that you could ever want.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
School, Race Presentation, Home
After that I headed home had a great dinner and worked on school stuff till I went to bed.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Sunday continued... Then Work and light show on the beach
After work Kouros and I headed out to the beach where they had a kind of light display of paper lanterns with various designs covering the beach.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Yippie Kai Yay!
Kuros' family is heading back to Switzerland so he spent the night with them and our Host Parents and I headed to Cinema Mediage to see Die Hard 4! That was a cool movie.
The Typhoon mostly missed Tokyo but there was a strong wind blowing throughout the day.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Work, Onsen, hanging out with the locals
After work I headed to the Onsen where I met up with Kuros, his family, and our host parents. Being Swiss they primarily speak French but were also fluent in English. It was fun meeting his brothers and cousin, and Parents, plus it was cool cause Kuros and I were like the guides cause we know the place so well. We went to the restaurant that we visited the first time and enjoyed Shabu Shabu. A Typhoon is sweeping across Japan and has flooded the south western part of Japan, so when we left that night it was raining heavily.
When we got back there were some people hanging out in the lobby at our Apartment and Kuros and I hung out with them, played Uno, and practiced our Japanese.
Friday, July 13, 2007
School, Work, and new Schedule
After class Natsume Fusanosuke, a top Manga critic in Japan came to speak at our school. His grandfather was Natsume Souseki, a famous Meiji period author who used to be on the 1000 yen note until 2 or 3 years ago. Natsume receives income just from different endorsements that he allows his Grandfather to be associated with. His Grandfather's image was used for a type of cookie and the cookie company sent him a large shipment of cookies as a extra thanks. Since he doesn't really have to work he just reads Manga and occasionally writes books on it. Pretty interesting guy. He gave his lecture in Japanese and there was a translator who translated everything he said.
I cut out early and made a quick stop home to grab some things and drop some stuff off before I headed to work. Today I just did the conversation table which basically means I'm paid to talk to people and occasionally explain words that they are unfamiliar with. It's cool cause it's really casual and doesn't really require a lot of effort on my part, so I'm able to relax at work. I think the conversation practice really allows the students a opportunity to practice that they would otherwise not have and alowes them to feel more comfortable with speaking.
I made my Fall schedule and it's gonna hurt, bad. I'm taking Japanese, Math, Accounting, Law, and a Business class. It's gonna hurt!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Rain, School, Rain
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
School, Homework, News, and more Homework
Japanese in the morning I got my test back and did pretty well on it. After that was Art History. During the class the teacher showed a video and literally half of the class fell asleep, at one point he looked around the room and noticed this and just laughed. It was pretty funny.
Headed home after and worked on my Art History paper and bit. For dinner we had Eel over rice and it was great. After dinner we watched the news and apparently packages and envelopes containing 10,000-yen bills (about $100) have been found in various men's bathrooms in city halls all across Japan with notes saying, "Please make use of this as a provision for the city" or something like that. Needless to say I'm going to be hanging out at the City hall bathroom a lot more
After that I worked on Intellectual Heritage till it was time for bed.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Term Paper, rain, and meeting Aya
Monday, July 9, 2007
School, work, and home

Sunday, July 8, 2007
Interviewing people in Shibuya
At all the train stations in Tokyo they have guides posted that let you know where the exits are in relation to the train so you know what car to use to save yourself sometime when you get to your destination station. I took a picture of this one because I think the icons used to show the elevators or escalators are funny. All the people figures have smile faces on them.
So I met up in Shibuya with Yuya and we took the camera to the streets to find out what people think of Koreans living in Japan. We had a slow start as we found that many Japanese are very shy and did not want to be interviewed. We were able to get a couple interviews but we're gonna meet up again soon to get some more interviews done. The people that we interviewed had a much more open view then I thought and didn't really see a difference between Korean and Japanese people.
Racist views are still common in Japan. It's not uncommon to see large black vans that have the emperors crest painted on the side that will be parked in front of large stations such as Shibuya or Shinjuku. The vans are equipped with Megaphones and will typically be found with a Right Wing Nationalist Japanese on top with a mic talking about how Japan should be a pure country, basically wanting to go back to how Japan was in the 1930's
A cool thing they they have in Shibuya is a interactive map on a touch screen display that is about 35". It's really cool, it works in English, Korean, Chinese, and of course Japanese. It's a great tool to find your way around and helps take the work load off of the police who's main job is giving people directions when they are lost.
Aya sent me a picture of her at work, it's hilarious.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Sleep, Shunjuku, and Sushi
Friday, July 6, 2007
School, Scheduling, and Shinjuku
Thursday, July 5, 2007
School, Study, and Sleep
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Study, Math, and Mega Teriyaki burger.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
IH, Race Studies, and Home
Monday, July 2, 2007
School, home, and Homework
Started the day with Japanese class at 8:30, being that early, Monday, and the fact that it's pretty hot and humid, I really had to focus to stay awake for class. I made it through and headed home.
Pretty much spent the rest of the day working on Intellectual Heritage homework till I went to bed.