Sunday, January 6, 2008

Shopping in Shinjuku

Headed to Takehito's today for his lesson and after we went to that restraunt near by for lunch. After I headed home and played around on guitar for a bit before headeding to Shinjuku. I thought I had a lesson, but it turns out that it was canceled and moved to Monday. It was ok cause I had stuff I wanted to do anyhow. I headed to Ishibashi picked up a capo and some picks. There was a girl that I had seen before doing her thing at the station, she just has craxy music tracks that she kinda sings/yells over. It's hilarious. I guess just another part of life in a big city. Headed home and tried out my new gear, when I use a pick I really realize how bad I am at guitar. Like they say "pratice makes the master"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! What happened to the daily hottie count?