Thursday, January 17, 2008

School and a visit to the Dentist

Got up early today and headed to Finance. The class started from 9:00 and seems like it might be a little intense. After Finance had a 15 minute break and headed to Statistics in the classroom right next door.
I had a dentist appointment at 2:30 for a cleaning, so I hung out at school till then and went to my appointment. It was interesting because it was a smaller office and like a Japanese home, you took your shoes off before entering and put on slippers that were kept in a UV light sanitizer. Sat down in the chair and after some small talk and the usual comments about how my Japanese is good she got to work. Looked around my mouth for a bit and complemented my teeth. But, I had a small cavity. She showed it to me and it looked like a red vain on the top of my tooth. After some contemplation I decided to get the cavity fixed.
She started with a cleaning which started with a high pressure water cleaner and then the usual polish and floss like in the US. Then she fixed the cavity in a very short time and the whole thing took less then a hour. While I'm no dentist, I think she did a good job. Guess I'll find out next time I got in for an appointment in the US. Thanks to National Health Insurance, the whole thing only cost $35! Crazy Cheap! National Health Care is great but I worry that if the US switches to that system our overall quality will decline.

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