Friday, January 16, 2009

Long day at school and a school party

Friday is the longest day of the week cause it starts with Stat 2 which, thanks to the teacher, is a lot of fun. After Stat I read some stuff for HR and grabbed lunch from the combini. I had International Law followed shortly after by the capstone HR class. I think everyone was happy to hear that the class is about 40 minutes shorter than originally planned so it’s not 4 hours long like originally planned. The class is pretty intense but it’s only once a week and it’s pretty interactive with a lot of group work, so I think it should be interesting. When HR finished, Ryu, Andrew, and I all went to get dinner at a Japanese style pasta place where you eat Spaghetti with chop sticks, which to me seemed kind of funny. I stopped home, changed, and then Ryu and I headed out to Muse for the school party. Like almost all the school parties, it was kinda weak and there weren’t a lot of people there, but I left at 11, which is still a little early.

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