Sunday, February 3, 2008

Snow, work, and Sakubun no hi

Woke up today, looked out the window to find a snow storm far greater than any I have ever seen. Not really but it seemed like a lot for Tokyo. Headed to Takehito's for his lesson and then to Shinjuku. When I got to Shinjuku I stopped in at work and grabbed an unbrella that I had left there last time it rained and headed to the barber shop to get my hair cut. From there I headed to Ootoya and got lunch before headeding to work. It was cold and snowing so only 3 students showed up. After work I headed home, and had dinner. Today was "Setsubun no Hi" which marks the beginning of spring. It literally means "the spliting of the seasons". People throw beans at someone wearing a mask and representing a demon and chant 'Oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi' or 'Out with the demons, in with good luck!' Often celebrities visit major shrines to throw out beans and other goodies to large crowds. In our case we threw beans off the balony at unsuspecting people walking below and some inside which we had to clean up after. After it was all said a done we each ate the same amount of beans as our age.

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