Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Earthquakes and work

Woke up today around 5am to the sound of my windows rattling and my room shaking. This time it was only a 6.5 compared with the 6.9 on Sunday but it was enough to wake me up. After it stopped I went back to bed and then woke up later to go to work. Just a usual day at work with some more earthquake focused conversation. I talked to one student who was living in Kobe when the big quake hit there in '95 and he told me how he didn't have access to a bath tub for about a month. I only considered the food aspect.
As an American living in Tokyo I have registered with the U.S. embassy so in the event of a disaster they will fly me back to the U.S. I guess that's a pretty good deal considering that Japan has had a history or being slow to act in these situations and rejecting foreign aid.

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