Wednesday, November 5, 2008

School, work, and a new President

School was pretty different today. All the American students were really focused on the election and were constantly updating their PC's and phones for the latest news to see who the next President of the U.S. would be. We found out that it is Obama this afternoon. Hopefully, he'll do a better job than the last guy, but I would not want to be him now, with all the craziness going on in the economy and the Middle East.
In the evening I had work like usual and the election was often a subject that was discussed in the lessons. Many of the Japanese are envious of Americans because they see it as a true "democracy" since we have some say in who is President. While the outdated electoral college keeps it from being a total democracy it did make me feel some pride in my country. Just wish I could have pride in the U.S. dollar too.
Funny thing with Japanese learning English is that the "L's" and "R's" often get mixed up with pronunciation, so when a student came for a lesson and said that "today was a big errection" I knew what he was talking about.

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