Friday, November 28, 2008

First Final

Micro and Finance like usual. Hung out at school in the afternoon and prepared for the law final which is a Mock-Trial. It was pretty fun and I think I did ok. After that I headed back home changed and then headed back out to Shibuya to search for new shoes. Living in Tokyo and not owning a car I do a lot more walking than I ever did in the U.S. and because of that I use up shoes much faster than I ever did in the U.S. I went to six or seven different shoe shops in Shibuya and most places didn't even carry my size while others only had one or two bad looking shoes in my size. At least in the states I was always able to order them. I guess I only have 9 more days that I will be working this year, so hopefully my work shoes will hold out till then.

After having no luck I met up with Charles in Tamachi and we went to Shimbashi. There we went to the 300 bar and then to another place near the station but neither of them were very interesting, so we met up with another friend and headed to Roppongi where we went to A971. It was fun as usual and then I took the last train home.

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