Wednesday, September 3, 2008

School and work

Back into the school routine Microecon, Finance, break, and then Law. Worked in the evening and that was the day.
Getting Internet in Japan is a bit of a pain. First you have to call and tell them your info over the phone and then you have to wait for 2-3 weeks for the modem to arrive in the mail. After you receive the modem you have to set an appointment for the guy to come to your house and set it up, so it's kinda of a long process. While Internet here is much faster than in the US ranging from 100mbps to 160mbps it's pretty quick, but also slightly more expensive since almost everyone is using fiber optic lines and the Internet service and the price for the use of the line and the service are separate usually costing around $40 a month. It's amazing how dependent a person can become on the Internet. Epically when you are living in another country and use it for all the news and keeping in touch with your friends, you can feel pretty disconnected when you don't always have access.

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