Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Headed to work like usual and then home. It's so cold now. Can't wait for spring. One of my friends found the video below and was asking me about it. There are a lot of things that give the impression that Japan is a strange country and this can be added to that list. The purpose of this video is to help people with social anxiety look at people in the face. On YouTube there are two other videos, one with a little girl which is creepy and one with a white girl. At the end of the video below the girl says, (零れてる) meaning "I'm not phased" or something like that. On YouTube they only have the girls but apparently you can buy a full set of guys as well for girls. I will be making my own version some time next month, so you can look forward to a video of me staring at you for one minute straight.

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