Monday, November 12, 2007


Japanese, Ethics, and Accounting. Pretty much a regular day.

Japan is a pretty high-tech country and is known for improving things, such as cars or TV's. Sometimes there are some things that could use some more improvement though. Elevators are the first thing that comes to mind. There are usually no sensors on the doors and they often close on people, especially the one at the school. Because of the lack of sensors, the person inside the elevator often has to hold the door open button so it won't close on people entering or exiting the elevator.
Other times they take "improvements" too far. Pizza is the best example, being that here in Japan they put a lot of different toppings on the Pizza, such as corn, or other things that don't belong on a Pizza.
Today's Count: 5

My brother does Japanese Taiko drumming and sent me a clip, so here it is. I did this for about a month and it was pretty cool, the combination of power and grace gives a feeling that can't be replicated in any other instrument.

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