Tuesday, March 24, 2009

School and Clothes dryers?

School like usual. Japan is an interesting place. I think a lot of people have this image of this high tech country where everything is super efficient. In some ways I agree there are a lot of efficiencies in Japan, but it seems that for ever efficiency or comfort that we don't have in the U.S. there are some really big inefficiencies that don't exist at all in the U.S. I mentioned the banking system and the ATM's here in a previous post but today I'm talking about clothes dryers. So interesting, isn't it? Japan, like the U.S. is a 1st world developed country and really has no excuse for having some of the most inefficient dryers in the world. Granted most people don't use dryers here and typically hang their clothes up in their small houses or apartments, but if the dryers here weren't so expensive to operate, would people still hang their clothes to dry? Ok, sure there is the issue of space too, but still. The dryer at my house in the U.S. would dry clothes in about half the time most of the dryers here take and do a better job of preventing wrinkles. The dryer in my building costs $1 for 15 minutes of dry time. Since the dryer is pretty bad it costs me between $4-$6 to fully dry a load of clothes. Ok, sure this could just be my dryer, but it's not. I've used other dryers and often talk about dyers with my friends and they have similar experiences. Even the more expensive ones use more energy and take more time than the ones in the U.S.
I'm going to have to get together with whirlpool and Kenmore to help them design quality dryers for the Japanese market. Looks like I got a good business idea!

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