So today started out normal until I got back from lunch. One of the biggest earthquakes in recorded history hit off the coast of Japan and started to shake the office. My office is on the ground floor so we all ran out quickly into the parking lot across the street. It was crazy. The cars in the lot were shaking and part of a small concrete wall fell down. The past quakes I've experienced were mostly side to side but this one was up and down too. It was crazy. After about 10 minutes we headed back inside to find a lot of stuff on the floor. Through out the rest of the day there were after shocks and I think we went outside 2 more times.

Somehow the top of Tokyo Tower got bent so it looks dumb now.
The after shocks and small tremors were felt for the rest of the day making me sea sick despite the fact that I was on land and I don't actually get sea sick.
All the trains were stopped and the roads were packed with cars so I think a lot of people were stuck at work and unable to go home.
Also for those who are wondering why I haven't updated in so long, it's been a combination of lack of time and being lazy with it. I will be updating more frequently in the future.
What a horrific event. My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone over there. I'm glad that you are ok though.
HI Mark,
How far are you from Sendai? How far from the nuclear power plant are you?
Sr. Barb Knuff and I are praying for you.
God be with you!
Love and prayers
Sr. Myra Avsec
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