Today I met with my new private student in Shinjuku and she gave me some "giri c
hoko" which roughly translates to "obligatory chocolate". In Japan, Valentine's Day is more of a one way holiday involving girls giving chocolate to boyfriends or guys they work with. The chocolate given for Boyfriends of a guy they are interested in will usually be higher quality or hand made chocolate while the "giri choko" is usually just a store bought chocolate bar. While some companies and further influence of Western culture gradually encouraging that guys reciprocate the chocolate they receive on Valentine's Day instead of waiting till the following month. On Ma
rch 14th there is a holiday called "White Day" which was made by a marshmallow company in which the guys are expected to return the gifts they received on Valentine's Day originally in the form of marshmallows, hence the term "white day". White chocolate, or lingerie as well as marshmallows are popular on this day. Also guys are expected to spend three times more on the girl than she did on the guy. I think having these holidays a month apart makes it easy to receive the chocolate on the 14th and then break up by next month to avoid the extra costs associated with white day.

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