Today is a national holiday. "Sports Day" which I guess is just a day where people play sports? Usually school kids, but I did laundry instead.
In the evening I met up with Eri in Shinjuku. It was good to see her again. I hadn't really hung out with her for a while and it doesn't seem like she changed at all. We were gonna check out a restaurant on the east side but the one was closed and we had trouble finding the o
ther one so we walked over to the west side and ate at Issa. After we headed to Taito station, played a game of Taiko Drum Master and did purikura and then went home.

Most Game centers have Purikura and they usually have signs saying that guys by themselves aren't allowed, they have to be with a girl. I guess there was an issue with guys going up there and trying to pick up girls in the past so they have that sign to try and prevent it. They also had a new machine which uses computers to make your eyes look bigger and more like an elf. Pretty crazy.
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