Had the Final for the one computer class, and while it was open book, open notes, it was still extremely difficult.
After the final I headed out to Chofu and was lucky that I was able to catch an express train from Shinjuku cause the local train would have taken a lot longer. When I got there I wasn't exactly sure where to go since I had forgotten my map. I E-mailed one of my class mates and saw what looked like something that I remember from the map and got there no problem. There speech contests at KCP are a lot of fun because each class has to come up with a cheer for the person in their class giving a speech. The speeches themselves can be good, but the higher level students are difficult for me to understand. I got there about half way through the contest and my class and I all headed to the back of the stage for the live debut of the KCP song. It was a lot of fun, but I had difficulty hearing the music because there were no monitors. I made a few mistakes but it still went well.
After we sat back down we had to get back up and do the cheer for the guy giving the speech for our class. It was a lot of fun, but again difficult to hear the music.
When the contest had finished I headed back home and was able to relax for about 1 hour before heading out to work.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Language school, work, and study
Had language school like normal. Today after class we all practiced the KCP song to
gether as a class. The teachers made some signs to be held up as I sing different lyrics, so it should be a lot of fun. After that I headed to work, and from work I headed to Andrews where we studied for the exam tomorrow till the last train.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Language school and heat
No school today so I was able to sleep in a bit. In the afternoon I had language school like usual but I had to bring my guitar because they want me to play the KCP song at the Speech Contest on Thursday, but I just realized that I have one of my finals on Thursday when I thought both of them were on Friday so I don't think I'll be able to go to the contest. Just depends on the timing of the whole thing. The Final finishes around 11am, so depending on when they want me to play, it is still a possibility. Anyhow it was hot today.
After school one of the students at KCP stopped me while I was walking back to the station and started talking to me. He said I looked familiar and it was because of the YouTube videos he had saw of me before coming to Japan. It's funny when people travel half way around the world and already know about you from some videos or something. Anyhow, he had a date coming up and asked me about a good place to eat and since we were already in Shinjuku, I showed him around some of the cool places I knew. I really need to make a video showing the good date spots.
After school one of the students at KCP stopped me while I was walking back to the station and started talking to me. He said I looked familiar and it was because of the YouTube videos he had saw of me before coming to Japan. It's funny when people travel half way around the world and already know about you from some videos or something. Anyhow, he had a date coming up and asked me about a good place to eat and since we were already in Shinjuku, I showed him around some of the cool places I knew. I really need to make a video showing the good date spots.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Work, work, homwork, and a report
Takehito was back from his trip in the Philippines so we had a lesson like usual. Sounded like he had a good trip. After that I headed to Shinagawa where I had several students tell me that they think I'm handsome. I donno, maybe it was just the light, but it adds a little extra enjoyment to the job. After work I headed home and started working on my final for the one computer class. Big fun.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Last day with Eri
Woke up today and set up a time to meet up with Eri. She is leaving for Singapore for one year for school on Sunday so this was the last day I'd be able to see her for a while. We met up in Omote-Sando and walked around there for a while. It was super hot so we were going in and out of stores enjoying the air conditioning that was provided. I paid my phone bill and Eri looked into canceling her phone and found that she could just do it at the airport before she leaves. We went to Uniqlo UT since she had not been there and ran into some crazy guy from the U
K handing out fliers telling about the end of the world.

For dinner we went to a place called Lotus which was pretty cool. It had a open kitchen so you could see everything the chefs were preparing and very cool style. The food was good and it was a lot of fun.
After that we headed to Shinjuku and hung out there for a while and went to the game center for Purikura!

Friday, July 25, 2008
School, School, and all night
School in the morning, language school in the afternoon, and back home. Had dinner and while I had planned on staying in for the night I got a call from Josh and Charles inviting me out to Ginza. We met up in Ginza and found that the place we were going to go to wasn't that good so we wound up in Roppongi. We hung out at A971 for a bit and then Josh left to catch his last train leaving Charles and I out all night. I got a E-mail from one of my friends saying that he can get us on the list for a club nearby so we wound up there. There were a bunch of people from Temple there so it was kinda like a school party with other people.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
School, school, and work
School in the morning, language school in the afternoon, and work at night. Pretty much a regular week day.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
School, School, and work
School in the morning like usual. Today we had the second last presentation in computer class, with the final class being next week I think. I can't believe this semester went so fast.
After school I headed to language school like usual. From language school I headed to work and from there I headed home had dinner and wrote this entry. I don't have Operations Management tomorrow so I'll be able to sleep in a bit.
After school I headed to language school like usual. From language school I headed to work and from there I headed home had dinner and wrote this entry. I don't have Operations Management tomorrow so I'll be able to sleep in a bit.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Back to a normal schedule?
School in the morning followed by language school in the afternoon and work in the evening. On the way home some random Japanese guy came up to me in the station and asked me for money to get home. What the heck? I'm white, why would you ask me over a Japanese person? The guy didn't seem homeless, so I don't know what his deal was. If you ever get stuck out you can get help from the Police to get home. Whatever...
Monday, July 21, 2008
Marine Day!
Today is a national Holiday because there aren't enough holidays during the summer. Nothing too exciting, just did laundry and watched movies. It's hot
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Day off and hanging out with Eri
No work today so I was able to catch up on sleep clean my room finally. In the evening I met up with Eri and we walked around Daiba beach for a bit and looked at the paper lantern display. I think the one last year was better and most of the images on the beach were easier to make out compared to this year. After walking around the beach for a while we stopped over at Caress and got some desert and coffee. I love that place! The food is always good and the presentation and atmosphere is so cool.

Saturday, July 19, 2008
Work, Taiko, Work Party, and Party
Monday is Marine day, a new holiday made within the past 30 years or so to give people a extra day off during the hot summer months. This Sunday is also the 3rd Sunday of the month so I don't have any work and Takehito is on vacation in the Philippines so I have Sunday and Monday totally free.
Work in the morning like usual. On the way back home I ran into a couple friends from school and walked with them a bit. Took a little different route than usual to get home but it worked out pretty good because there was a small Festival that I would have otherwise missed so I stopped and took some footage of the Taiko performance going on there.
After I got home I changed and headed out to the work party. It was a island themed party and at some point I was got dressed as a Hula girl and had to do a dance. The competition was pretty strong though so I only got 3rd place; and 3rd place, just like 2nd place is no place at all. From the work party Josh and I headed to Roppongi and met up with a bunch of people from school and wound up staying out all night. Anytime I stay out all night it really makes me miss my car which would allow me to go home whenever I wanted.
Work in the morning like usual. On the way back home I ran into a couple friends from school and walked with them a bit. Took a little different route than usual to get home but it worked out pretty good because there was a small Festival that I would have otherwise missed so I stopped and took some footage of the Taiko performance going on there.
After I got home I changed and headed out to the work party. It was a island themed party and at some point I was got dressed as a Hula girl and had to do a dance. The competition was pretty strong though so I only got 3rd place; and 3rd place, just like 2nd place is no place at all. From the work party Josh and I headed to Roppongi and met up with a bunch of people from school and wound up staying out all night. Anytime I stay out all night it really makes me miss my car which would allow me to go home whenever I wanted.
Friday, July 18, 2008
School, School, and sleep
School in the morning like usual. After that I had language school, and after that it was hot humid and rainy outside so no one really wanted to do anything, which worked out ok cause I was pretty tired anyhow. When I got home I had dinner and went to bed around 8. Around midnight I woke up and went back to bed again. My schedule during the week really keeps me busy.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
School, school, and work
School in the morning, did some homework after class and headed to language school. Pretty much just a regular day there. I love taking class there. It's so much fun and I learn a ton. Today I noticed that since I started studying there I've started using the teaching methods that are used at KCP with the students I teach at GABA. It's pretty cool, cause I think combining GABA's methods with KCP's I've become a even better teacher!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
School, School, and work
School like usual, then headed off to language school. When you are living here and everyone around you is fluent in Japanese it can seem like you're not improving at all, but since I've resumed my study at KCP, I've realized just how much I've picked up from everyday life and the amount of new vocab that I've learned. Especially considering that my school and job are all in English, I'm really surprised at how many new words and grammar I have actually learned just living here.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Day off, Kinda but not really
No school today so I slept in as long as I could and got up and headed to language school. After class I headed to work. On the way to work from the station I saw a sweet F430 parked on the street and it made me happy. After work I went home and went to bed.
Monday, July 14, 2008
School, Heat
Today I had class like usual. In Stat class the teacher gave out the test and it's a take home test. Good thing, cause it looks pretty tough. After school I headed to KCP and got there right at 12:30. They offer some extra classes which start at 12:30 but I can't make it on time because Temple lets out at 11:45 on that day. Class at KCP and then I headed back home. It was really hot today so I took a short nap until it was time for dinner. After dinner I played Portal for a while and then went to bed.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Work, heat, and work
Headed to Takehito's for his lesson and then back home. Grabbed some pizza and Udon and then headed to work. Today I had this student that I told about that fish in the Aquarium in Ikebukuro. She was laughing so hard. It was hilarious. After work I headed home, had Yakiniku for dinner and did some laundry
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Work and hanging out in Shibuya
Work like usual. Today Mason had his iPhone that he waited all night for and was showing it off at work. It's pretty cool. The only thing it's lacking is the TV and the infared feature which allows you to easily exchange numbers, and pictures with other people. Also it's a Apple product, Apple people are weird. Anyhow, after work I headed out to Shibuya with Mason and he used the GPS on the phone to walk around. Most other phone in Japan have this feature, but this one uses Google maps and has a lot more features than the standard offering. After a bit Josh, who also got a iPhone the night before met up with us and they both walked around showing them off. It was funny but dumb. Good times.
Friday, July 11, 2008
School and School
Today a lot of people were absent from school because they were waiting in line for the iphone. The stores opened at 7 but they didn't actually start signing contracts for them till noon. Anyhow, after class I headed to language school and had class like usual. After class I got my hair cut and headed back home. I didn't really have anything going on tonight for a change, so I just relaxed at home.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
School and Work
School in the morning and then language school. After language school I headed to work and then home. Today at work I only had one lesson, but it was with my favorite student, so it was OK.
The new iphone is being released worldwide and in Japan on Friday and people have been in line in front of the SoftBank store since yesterday. Some of my friends from school will be lining up tonight and staying overnight. Hope it's worth it. The phone plans in Japan suck in comparison to the plans in the US. For the iphone, it costs about $80 a month which includes unlimited internet and E-mail. SoftBank has a plan that allows free calls, but only to other SoftBank users and only from 1a.m. to 9.p.m. charging for the time when people most commonly use their phones. While $80 a month might seem like a lot, for some of my friends, that is less than what they are paying now.
The new iphone is being released worldwide and in Japan on Friday and people have been in line in front of the SoftBank store since yesterday. Some of my friends from school will be lining up tonight and staying overnight. Hope it's worth it. The phone plans in Japan suck in comparison to the plans in the US. For the iphone, it costs about $80 a month which includes unlimited internet and E-mail. SoftBank has a plan that allows free calls, but only to other SoftBank users and only from 1a.m. to 9.p.m. charging for the time when people most commonly use their phones. While $80 a month might seem like a lot, for some of my friends, that is less than what they are paying now.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
KCP Language school, and work
No school today, but I had my first day back at KCP Language School. I met up with Josh and we found out where our classes are and headed to them. Since today was the first day they told us the general rules, schedule, and stuff like that. Before class started I was filled with an excited nervousness as a wave of nostalgia from 05' washed over me as I entered the classroom. I really like that school and was glad to see a lot of my old teachers. Today we did part of the chapter in the book and I got two new textbooks to go along with the two that I will be finishing from level 2 and a workbook. My class is almost all Korean students with one chinese and two other American students. Gonna be a busy semester.
After class I met with the principal of the school and she told me how they want to use my KCP song for different school events and asked how they could compensate me for the use of the song, pretty cool.

From there I headed to work, did some lessons and headed back home. At work one of my favorite students gave me some candy made to look like goldfish that she placed into a origami box that she made. It was pretty cool so I took a picture of it.
After class I met with the principal of the school and she told me how they want to use my KCP song for different school events and asked how they could compensate me for the use of the song, pretty cool.
From there I headed to work, did some lessons and headed back home. At work one of my favorite students gave me some candy made to look like goldfish that she placed into a origami box that she made. It was pretty cool so I took a picture of it.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
School and work
Monday, July 7, 2008
Red Shirt, Blue Jeans day at school, and stuff at home.
Statistics class like normal today since the teacher returned from Hawaii. The cla
ss is pretty fun because the teacher always tries to make things interesting. Today was the first Red Shirt and Blue Jeans day, a tradition that I started which is celebrated the first Monday of every month. I think it was a pretty good turnout for the first day with over 11 people wearing red shirts and blue jeans.
After school I went home and did some laundry and stuff.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Work and Drifting to Daikoku
Work in the morning like usual, then headed back home. After dinner I headed to Shin-Koyasu where I met up with Mason. We made a quick stop at his place and jumped in the Skyline. We went to a parking lot near his house and did a little drifting before getting on the freeway and checking out Daikoku. Today it was pretty packed and there were a ton of sweet cars. People were drifting in the intersection behind Daikoku until a cop came out of his police box on the corner and put come cones down. After he did that everyone just drove off and that was it.

Since the drifting had ended and no new cars seemed to be showing up, we headed out to explore some of the local streets of Tokyo and get a better idea of how to get around. Good Times.
Since the drifting had ended and no new cars seemed to be showing up, we headed out to explore some of the local streets of Tokyo and get a better idea of how to get around. Good Times.
Friday, July 4, 2008
School and hanging out with Eri
School in the morning like usual. After class I headed home for a while and the
n headed out to Shinjuku where I met up with Eri. It was super hot today when we first met up we went to Yodobashi Camera to enjoy air conditioning and cool down a bit. The second f
loor of the store is all Nintendo. It was funny cause on the shelf next to some of the games was a package a supplements made especially for gamers. Pretty cool stuff. We walked around and Eri helped me work on some videos for fun and we saw a cool Ramen shop or something with a big pig on top of it.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
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