Saturday I had work like usual and in the evening had a work party from 7-10. It was awesome. There were about 300 people Clients and GABA staff. It was at a nice place called T'suki Club NYX. Right on the water with huge windows providing a great view of the the Tokyo Bay. The party was totally catered with as much as you could drink or eat. They had red and white wine, gin tonic, whisky, and some other drinks. They had a large
selection of food from Steak, Pasta with crab, Sushi, and more. When it was time for desert they kept up the same level and brought out plate after plate of cheese cake, moose, cream puffs, and other stuff that I didn't get a chance to try. GABA parties always have a similar format where Clients have to ask instructors questions in order to get tickets. At the Hal
loween party the tickets got you drinks but at this party you were put in a raffle for some pretty nice prizes, musical tickets, movie tickets, dinner at the T'suki Club. Pretty good stuff. I didn't have my came
ra with me but I grabbed some pictures from their website so you can get a idea of the place. Pretty nice.

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