Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
It was pretty cold and rainy today but I got to school on time and had class like usual. After accounting, Charles, Christian, and I all worked on the case for the capstone class till they closed the school and went home.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Today was a holiday at school. I slept in a bit and played Red Alert 3 in the morning. I headed to school around 11 and tried to understand Stat class by looking at the examples but it was in vain. I typed up all the notes that I've taken for law and then Studied Accounting with Steve till about 6:00 and went home to play more Red Alert 3.
Monday, February 23, 2009
School and work
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Work and Tokyo streets
Headed to Takehito's like usual and then to work. In the evening I met up with Umar and some other friends and we all headed out to Daikoku. We headed out a little late, so the
cops had already closed the PA down by the time we got there and the drifting was already done so we checked the other PA's. Shibaura was closed and Tatsumi was still open but the cops set up an outpost shortly after we got there to check people's cars for mods. Since the cops killed all the fun, and everyone was a little hungry, we headed to Monsoon in Daikanyama. It's pretty good and has a cool atmosphere.
Friday, February 20, 2009
It was kinda cold and rainy today, but I had school like usual. After school I headed to Shibuya and met up with Eri who is visiting Japan for a bit and then headed home and relaxed for the evening.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
School, Honda, and study
School like usual. After class I studied for the finance quiz with John and then headed to Aoyama to check out the new Honda Insight. The case this week for the capstone class is about Honda and the hybrids so I guess it was a good enough excuse to go check it out. It was recently released in Japan and is not only the cheapest hybrid vehicle on the market, but also the most stylish. With a fuel economy rating comparable to the Prius and Civic Hybrid and the fun-to-drive feel of a Honda, I think it will be quite a successful car if the economy ever comes back.

Monday, February 16, 2009
School, Pizza, and work
School like usual today. For lunch some friends and I headed to a Pizza place n
ear school which was pretty good and then in the evening I had work. After work my friend John called me to hang out in Shinjuku for a bit so I met up with him and a couple of his friends for a drink. We missed the last train home but were still able to take a train to Meguro and then it was only a short walk from there. Good times.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
I got a message from Takehito saying he was out last night so he wasn't able to have a lesson this morning, so I was able to sleep in a bit before going to work. After work I just kinda hung out till it was time for bed.
Friday, February 13, 2009
School, party, and cops
Headed to school today like usual. Took the law test and then had the HR capstone class. After class some friends and I all headed to Takeshiba where we went to a club called "No Name" for the Valentine's day Glitterball party. We got there around 6 and got a rundown of the club and where were were doing that night. 4 people worked the coat check, two people
were on the doors and one other person and I were on the raffle tickets. The party started at 7 so we all headed across the street for food and then came back. It was pretty cool cause they had two floors that were all divided with different genres of music. It was all you can drink until 12 and there was a Mexican restaurant giving out free taco things which were ok. I still haven't had Mexican food here that lives up to U.S. standards. Anyhow, since I was staff I had free drinks all night but I only worked till 12. The raffle was pretty good and had some good prizes. There were stays at 5-star hotels, ski trips, theater tickets, and the grand prize was a trip to Macau. Pretty cool. I had to work the next day so I left around 2.
The trains had stopped and I didn't want to pay too much for a taxi so I decided to walk to the usual station that I use near school. The weather was really nice, in the 70's. For no reason, other than that fact that I was white and walking along the street at 2am 4 cops stopped me, asked me where I was from, what my job was, where I lived, and what I was doing. They proceeded to frisked me and search my bag and wallet. I guess when the population is made up of 99.9% one race, racism against minorities tends to be more common and people don't really care to change it. After that I got back on track to where I was headed and took a taxi home.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
School and work
Had school today like usual. I had a runny nose almost all day which was terrible. Anyhow after school, I headed home and changed to my work clothes and headed to work. When I got home from work I was feeling pretty bad so I took a bath and then a nap. Woke up around 1 to work on the paper I was supposed to write and then went back to bed.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
School, School, School
Today I had school like usual. Wow, nothing happened today. Lame. I did get some laundry. Wow, this is such a good entry, I bet people will want to read it again after cause it's so true to life.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Holiday, not really
Today is a national holiday in Japan. It is foundation day, which I guess relates to founding Japan. I met up with Steve and Brady at Brady's and then went to school to finish the project. I finished my project and went to bed.
Monday, February 9, 2009
School Bacon and Work
Had school like usual. My brother sent me a link to a site that puts bacon on a
ny webpage so I took the liberty of changing all the homepages in the computer lab to feature this great thing. It got some pretty funny responses. In the evening I had work like usual and went home and read the chapter for finance. Check out A Big Mark in Japan with Bacon!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Work and Japanese banks
Worked all day. Unfortunately, I spent the money I had on me on lunch and didn't have any money to take the train home from Shinagawa. And, Unfortunately, I live in Japan where they feel that although the ATM is a computer and is still plugged in and using electricity, it's a good idea not to have any service on Sundays. I wound up walking from Shinagawa to Tamachi and the wind was blowing against me the whole way. It sucked. Japan needs to update their banking system. I don't think it has changed here since the early 80's.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Work and Work
Got up today and headed to Takehito's for his lesson and then to work. I did 9 lessons today so I was pretty tired when I got home. I was planing on doing stuff in the evening, but it was too cold to do anything, so I just hung out at home.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Finally Friday
Headed to school like usual. After Business Strategies, I headed home. On the way back to the station I passed a purple dodge charger, which was actually kinda cool. Somehow people get classic American cars over to Japan and keep them clean. I stopped home to dro
p off my stuff and get the souvenir for the host parents and then headed out to Daiba where I met up with them for dinner and then we all went to the Onsen. On my was home I got a call from my friend John who told me to meet up with him and some friends in Tamachi, so I stopped in there for about an hour before catching the last train home.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
School and work
Got to school early today to get a little extra finance study in before the test. Took the test and it was tough, I guess I'll see what I got next week but I won't talk about it. After school, I had work and then headed home.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
School and work
Headed to school like usual and spent all day till work studying for finance before heading to work. Worked and then headed home to study finance more. Awesome.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
School and Study
Monday, February 2, 2009
School and work
Headed to school like usual and spent most of the day getting ready for the Finance test coming up and the rest of the day in class. After school I headed to work and then home.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Day off
Cleaned my room and then hung out with a friend in the afternoon. We checked out the Omurisu place in my neighborhood and then I went to Shinjuku and got a sweet air purifier for my room. I don't know why, dust seems to build up pretty quickly in my room so I wanted to get something to counter that. I try and keep things clean. Between the Air purifier and new toothbrush I think 2009 is off to a good start.
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