Kuros was back from his trip to Korea today and told me all about Korea and how much he loved it. Then we played Ninja Turtles until he left to catch his flight back to Europe. I spent the rest of the day watching movies.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Korea town, Roppongi, and Shibuya
Work this morning like usual. After work I headed to Shin-Okubo where I met up with a couple friends and then we met up with some of my Korean friends and we all headed to a restraint near by. As always the food was good and some of my friends knew some of the staff so we had a awesome discount on the food. From there, Josh, Ryan, and I all headed to Roppongi, but it was pretty dead so after walking around in Donkihote for a bit and looking at furniture and stuff for a bit we decided not to buy anything and headed to Shibuya. There we went to a club called Camelot and stayed there till morning.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Ikea, and plane trouble
Headed to Ikea this morning to find some good stuff for my room. I couldn’t find exactly what I wanted but I got a good lamp for my desk, a better pillow then the one I had gotten before, and some trash cans. When I got there I got a E-mail from my brother telling me that things didn’t work out with the plane to Taiwan so they got stuck in Japan for a extra day and for some reason had to buy new tickets. They got there before the plane left and but the airline wouldn’t let them board. I thought it was strange that the airline wasn’t more helpful. They were flying out on JAL. I told my friend Kuros from Switzerland and he said that when his brother was visiting, he was late to the airport and they got him another flight at no extra cost. Anyhow, I got back from Ikea around 6:00 and just kicked back at home for the evening.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Daiba and to the airport.
Woke up extra early to meet up with Steve and Yu-Chih to help them check out and move their bags. Their flight didn’t leave till 6:30 so we dropped all the bags off at my place and then headed out to Daiba for lunch. There we got some tonkatsu and walked around and looked at the different shops till it was time to leave. From there we headed back to my place, grabbed the suitcases, and headed back out. I took them to Nippori and from there they took a train to Narita and then a plane to Taiwan. I met up with Aki who helped me fill out some forms that I have for my apartment and then headed back home. Since I finally had some time I cleaned up my room a bit and got a little more familiar with my neighborhood. Seems like there are a lot of good take out places in the area.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Yokohama, and Tokyo Tower
Woke up a little earlier than usual and got on the train to Yokohama. This was my second time there but thanks to the tour that my friend Ryu gave me, I was able to show them
around the city and present them with trivia to keep things interesting. When we got back to Tokyo it was about 5:00 and I had work at 6 so we stopped at a sushi place near my work for dinner and then I headed to work and they headed back to their room. After work I met up with Steve and he told me that Yu-Chih was too tired to do anything so instead of going to the Tokyo City View, Steve and I just walked to Tokyo Tower, took some pictures, and headed back to the room.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Akihabara, Shibuya, Shinjuku, and Roppongi
This morning we met up and went to Akihabara. We checked out some of the m
ore interesting stores there. The first one that we went to was recommended by one of my friends, it was a place called “Super Potato”. It was a pretty cool retro video game store that had a lot of old school stuff and a whole chair made of old Famicom (NES) games. After that we headed to a place nearby called Mandrake, which is a manga/video game store that was pretty interesting.
From Akihabara we headed to Shibuya where we met up with one of my friends and checked out some music and game stores. It was still a little early but we ran out of cool stuff to do in Shibuya so we headed to Shinjuku. In Shinjuku we went to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building and hung out there till it was time to meet up with Aki. We met her near her work and went to Tsuchiya, a good Omuraisu place that I know on the west side. After a good dinner Aki went home and Steve, Yu-Chih, and I headed to Roppongi to check out the Tokyo City View in Roppongi Hills. When we got there we found out that the museum at the top closes earlier on Tuesdays so we decided that it was not worth the cost to enter. From Roppongi Hills we went to Tokyo Midtown and walked around there for a bit and then headed back to the room.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Tokyo, Ginza, Asakusa, and Shinjuku
Woke up and grabbed the suitcase that Mom had packed for me and headed to my place to unpack it and change and get ready for the day. I headed back out and met up with Yu-Chih and Steve and we got on the train for Tokyo. We checked out the Emperor’s Palace and then headed to Ginza. In Ginza we got Shabu Shabu for lunch and the stopped over at the Nissan Headquarters to check out the GT-R upclose. From there we headed to Uniqlo in Ginza and then got back on the train heading to Asakusa. There we walked around the temple and stuff and then went to the Taiko Museum, a Drum shop there, and then another smaller Taiko Store. After getting some bachi (Taiko drum sticks) we took a look at the Asahi beer building and then headed to Shinjuku.

We were supposed to meet up with Aki, and were in Shinjuku a little early so we walked around a but and looked at the cool buildings there. Then we headed to the NS building and went to Issa. While we were there we got a mail from Aki and found that she had confused the day, so we finished dinner and then went to a couple game centers on the East side to do Purikura.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Harajuku, Omotesando, Azabu, and Daiba
Met up with Steve and Yu-Chih at the hotel and then headed out to Harajuku in hopes of seeing the Harajuku girls, since they usually gather on the bridge near the station on Sundays. Instead there was a big festival, so none of those girls were there. We walked around there and checked out Meji Jingu. From there we walked around Omotesando and hit up Omotesando Hills and Uniqlo UT. We still had some time after that so we went back to Tamachi and walked to Azabu, for the festival there, but we were there a little early so nothing was really set up yet.

For lunch we headed to Azabu Ramen in Azabu and then back to the hotel where we got out bags and headed to Grove Tower to move into the guest room. We met up with Takehito and he showed us around the building a bit and then we headed to Daiba. We were a little bit limited on time, so we did as much as possible before we met up with the host parents and went to the Onsen. We did the sand bath and then went into the Onsen and of course they both loved it. We ate dinner in the Onsen and then headed back to the guest room. Steve and I played Contra 4 for a while and then I realized that I missed the last train so I just slept there for the night.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Picking up my brother and his wife
Went to McDonald’s the morning to check my E-mail and make sure that the flight was on time. It was a good thing too, cause the flight was delayed and my brother and his wife had to catch another flight to Tokyo. Met up with them at the airport at 3 instead of 1 and headed back to Tokyo. When we got to Tokyo, we checked into the hotel and went to Ootoya for dinner. It’s a chain, but it’s good. After that we walked around the area for a bit and then I left them at the Hotel.

Friday, August 22, 2008
Last day of Language school and a trip to Ikea
Got up today and had a bowl of cereal, yogurt, and a power bar for breakfast. Headed to language school for my last class there this year. After I talked with Tanaka and the school told me how they will be using my song in different promotional materials that they have available. From there I headed to Shin-Yokohama where I met up with Andrew and went to Ikea. It’s pretty much exactly the same as the one in the US. We got there kinda late because my train was delayed so I just grabbed some pillows and some little things for my room. I forgot that I still needed curtains, so I’m gonna have to go back there next Friday to hopefully see what else I could get that would be good to have.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
More moving and work
Headed to Daiba today to move some more of my stuff. When I got back to my place I to
ok a quick nap followed by a shower and then headed to work. After work I went back home, grabbed my suit cases again and headed back to Daiba to get some more stuff. I wasn’t able to fit it all in my suitcase so I threw the rest in a box that I had received from Mom and Dad and I carried the box while Kuros helped me with the suitcases. We made the last train out of Daiba but didn’t make it all the way home by train so we had to take a taxi part of the way. Thankfully Tokyo is a lot smaller then it seems and it wasn’t expensive at all.
The picture is a add for breath mints for your stomach and I thought it was pretty funny cause inside the stomach are the words Beer and Yakiniku, which is meat cooked over a fire. I just like it cause those are the only two things in the stomach and that pretty much describes the food intake of the average Japanese

The picture is a add for breath mints for your stomach and I thought it was pretty funny cause inside the stomach are the words Beer and Yakiniku, which is meat cooked over a fire. I just like it cause those are the only two things in the stomach and that pretty much describes the food intake of the average Japanese
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Signing the contract, school, work, and moving
Headed to Azabu this morning and checked my bank account hoping to find the funds needed to move into my new place. They were not there. So, I headed to the school and talked to the Bursar, she made a call and I was able to get the money in hand within 20 minutes. From there I headed to the Realtor and did all the paper work for the apartment. After I finally got to the apartment I met with the owner who lives on the floor above me and she showed me around the building. From there I headed right to language school followed by work. After work I got back home, packed up as much as I could carry and headed to my new apartment. After I got settled in a bit I fell right asleep.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
School and work
I guess the good thing with the late funds transfer is that it allowed me to sleep in today so that was nice. ha. Then I headed to Language school and work like usual.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Paperwork, school, and work
Headed to school this morning to try and get some of the paperwork together and make sure that everything would go smoothly for when the contract is signed. From school I headed to a hotel in Tamachi to reserve it for my brother and his wife when they come to visit. Shortly after that I got a call from the school telling me that the money would not be transferred till Wednesday so I had to push my move in date back to the last possible day. From there I headed to Shinjuku for language school and then to work for work.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Work and rest
Met with Takehito in the morning for his lesson and then went back home. Mostly just spent the day in and around the house doing stuff.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Work, and sleep on Saturday night?
Work in the afternoon till night and then again when I got home I was still pretty tired so I just went right to bed after dinner.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Checking more places, Language school, and sleep
Got up early and headed to school to meet up with Akiko who is helping me check some places out. We met up with the agent who drove us around to a couple locations in a air conditioned car which was nice. The first place we looked at was ok, but didn't really interest me that much. The second place we went to was in a good location and right above a 99 shop which is awesome! The last place we looked at was pretty close to the school but also right next to a graveyard and not as nice as the last place I checked out. The agency is called MiniMini, and after dealing with the place I went to yesterday, it seemed like the agent was assigned directly to me. The girl's name was Yukiko, and she was super nice and seemed to like showing the different room. She got a low price on the apartment before we even met but worked to get the price even lower. The level of service in Japan is generally very high so when you go to a place like A-style, like I did
yesterday the low level seems super low and then comparing it to a more professional place like MiniMini, it really makes a big difference.
On the way to the station I saw a sweet AE-86 and then went to language school. When I got home I was so tired, so after dinner I just went right to sleep.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Checking a place, school and work
Found a couple places online that seem like they might work so this morning the Host Mom and I headed to one of the agents located in Shinagawa. They are a smaller company called A-Style and like many small independent car dealers, the service was pretty bad and they were of little help. I would not recommend them ever. I guess it was good though cause I learned about all the different costs associated with moving and getting a place. Before heading to Language school the Mom and I stopped at a "New York Style" restaurant where I got a pretty good burger for lunch.
After lunch I headed to language school for class there like usual and then to work in the evening. When I got home it was back to the Internet to look for some places.
The lady at school who is responsible for kicking me out is doing her best to help me find a new place to live so I'm gonna meet up with her tomorrow to check out some places.
After lunch I headed to language school for class there like usual and then to work in the evening. When I got home it was back to the Internet to look for some places.
The lady at school who is responsible for kicking me out is doing her best to help me find a new place to live so I'm gonna meet up with her tomorrow to check out some places.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
School and work
Headed to language school like usual. We're studying Keigo, which is the super polit
e Japanese. It's pretty complex and I'm gonna need to study it extra, but between work and looking for a new place to live, it can be difficult to find time.

At work today I had one of my favorite students and she told me how one of her friends has a place available which is a great deal but it would only be worth it if I found someone to room with, and with my short time frame I don't see that happening.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
Monday, Monday
Language school in the afternoon and work at Night. In the evening I spent most of my time online searching for a new place to live.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Fireworks in Daiba
Headed to Takehito's this morning for his lesson and then headed back home. On the way home I saw the Bugatti and it was pretty sweet.
Today was one of the big firework shows of the summer in Tokyo and the beach was full. We had a spot reserved since 5am and at that time there were already people who had reserved a spot. Anyhow, after about 90 min of fireworks the show ended and it started raining. When we got home we watched part of the Olympics.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Work and heat
It was crazy hot today, I almost died going to work. Luckily, work is always adequately cooled and is one of the most comfortable environments to be in, in Japan during the summer. In order to be "environmentally friendly" (a.k.a. cut costs) many companies in Japan follow what is known as cool biz style which allows workers to dress more casually to keep cooler. By doing this many companies raise the temperature in the office, which uses less energy but also leaves many workers stuck in hot offices all day. I love that my work does cool biz but still is concerned about comfort so they keep the air conditioner running all day.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Searching for a apartment, going to language school, and party in Shinokubo
Spent the morning looking for a new place online. The problem with Japan is their whole system for getting into a apartment is almost as outdated as their writing system. To move into a apartment, you often need to pay between 2-6 months worth of rent up front just to be able to move it. It's called gift money, and it's money that is given to the landlord so he can get more money then just the monthly rent. Along with that, usually a 1-2 month deposit is also required. If you get past that, then you need a guarantor which is a person who is Japanese and lives in Japan to sign and say they will pay your rent if you default on a payment. Next thing to look at is the term of the contract. Many of the apartments require a 2 year minimum stay, and after that term is completed will sometimes require a extra month worth of rent as a renewal fee. When that is all said and done, there are still many places that don't accept foreigners because many of the landlords here are older racists guys.
People often talk about how expensive Tokyo is to live in, but I think that is based heavily on the move in costs. I don't find food or transportation that much more expensive then it was in the US.
Anyhow, headed to language school like usual and after most of the class and I all headed out for a little party in Shinokubo (a.k.a. Korean Town) where we had a drink known as Shoju, some Korean food and beers with our teachers. It really brought back memories from 2005 when we did the same thing and there were two other classes from KCP there.
Around 10 the party ended and everyone headed home. I met up with my friend John and we hung out in Shinjuku till last train, and watched part of the Olympics.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Language school and meeting up with a friend
Today when I got up and was eating breakfast, the Mom came out of her room and said "しょうがないな" which means, "it can't be helped". So basically I have to move out soon. I searched online till it was time to leave with no luck. Headed to language school and after I met up with my friend John who introduced me to his friend who owns a Apartment about 30-40 minutes from school, but it turned out that the place didn't have any rooms available till end of September. So, that place is pretty much out for now.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Stopping at Temple, Language School, and work
Stopped in at Temple this morning and sat down with three people and listened to them try and tell me why I should move out of the home stay that I am currently in. Super Gay. Anyhow, they basically asked me to move to a place that is further from school, more expensive, and do it all before the end of the month so some kid that I've never met can move into my current room.
From there I went to language school like usual and then had work after. Also it was crazy hot today.
When I got home I talked with the parents about Temple and they seemed annoyed by the situation, so the Mom is going to call the school tomorrow so I can stay there.
From there I went to language school like usual and then had work after. Also it was crazy hot today.
When I got home I talked with the parents about Temple and they seemed annoyed by the situation, so the Mom is going to call the school tomorrow so I can stay there.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Language School and work
Language school like usual. Got a call and E-mail from Temple, asking me to come in and meet with them. They want me to move out of my homestay so they can put some other kid in. It's super gay. Anyhow, had work in the evening like usual.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Language School and work
Language school like usual, then after I had work. This month I'm working Mondays to pick up a little extra cash. Good times.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Work, Work, Daiba
Headed to Takehito's this morning, his English has really improved a lot since I first started teaching him. After I stopped home and then headed back out to Shinagawa for work. When I got home from work I had dinner and after dinner Kuros and I drank some One Cup Ozeki and walked around Daiba.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Work, Kuros return, and the Onsen
Work from morning till evening. One of the girls I work with is from a city called Ob
ama and with the current election they are really taking advantage of their name. She brought back some Obama themed snacks. When I got home, Kuros, the Swiss guy from last year had returned to Japan and will be staying in the homestay until the 20th. Since it was his first day, we all headed to the Onsen. It had been a while since I was last there and despite the heat outside, it felt great to go and relax there.
Friday, August 1, 2008
The Final final, KCP, and sleep
Had the final final, finally. It was the stat final and it consisted of questions and problems fr
om the past 3 exams. Since it was all stuff that I had seen before, I think I did ok. It just took a long time. From school I headed to KCP like usual. In Shinjuku they had a huge inflatable robot thing, that was kinda cool. When I got home I was pretty tired, so despite being done with school for the semester, and it being a Friday night; I stayed home and slept like a baby.

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