Accounting test online this morning then study for Risk Management test tomorrow. Then International Marketing, then more study for Risk Management. Got Calpis Marshmallows which were great, and there is a pic of the vending machines where I get Apple Tea.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Getting a room and work
Headed to Takehito's today and after lunch we checked out the guest room that his apartment has. It's really nice and cheap. So I booked as many days as I could for my parents and then headed back home. From there headed to work and then home.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Work and Cherry Blossoms
Work from 11:20-7. When I first got there my last three lessons didn't book, but then at the last moment they all booked by the same guy, so I had a student for 3 consecutive lessons. That almost never happens. After work I stopped home for dinner, and then headed out to Naka-Meguro for (花見 hana mi) flower viewing. This is the time of year that all the Sakura trees blossom. It is very beautiful and is a tradition for people of Japan to go and sit under the trees. Since it was at night, raining, and near the river, not in a park I didn't see anyone sitting under the trees but there were lots of couples walking around.
Friday, March 28, 2008
School and Birthday celebration
Accounting and International Marketing like usual. After class some friends and
I all headed to Shibuya to celebrate birthdays for a couple two people that had their birthdays this week and last. When we got to Shibuya we all headed to a place called "the Lockup". It was a cool restaurant with a crazy monster/jail theme. When you first enter, it's almost like a cave and there are lots of creepy things to keep you on your toes and scare you. For some reason they have a handcuff that is
attached to a chain that they use on one person in the group and escort them to the room where everyone eats, and for some reason I was that person who was handcuffed. It wasn't so bad since the girl working there was cute! When we got to our room they we ordered drinks and they had some really unique presentation for them so it looked like some kind of science
experiment. Then the first course of the meal came. After eating for a bit the lights went out and they had some recorded track of people talking about monsters that were free. A guess in a costume came to our room and scared a couple of the people in our group, it was pretty fun. After that the lights came back on and a girl working there came and asked if everyone was ok and told us to watch out for monsters. Then they brought the second course of the meal and finally desert and a cake for the two birthday people.
After that we all headed to the coins bar and since one of my friends had turned 20 we got him some drinks and then headed home.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
School, hair cut, and work
Statistics like usual. After school I headed out to Shinjuku and got a hair cut. From there I headed back home, took a shower and headed to work. Not much else happened so I guess it was just a normal day.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
School and work
Accounting and International Marketing. In International Marketing we had a g
uest speaker. It was pretty cool cause he was a guy who worked in Marketing for Mercedes Japan and now works for Mitsubishi trucks, the Fuso lineup. While I don't really like Mercedes that much it was really cool and I learned a lot, the guy even acted as CFO for Mercedes Asia but said he didn't want to go back to that job. It was interesting learning about the different branches of the company and how each one has a very different marketing style. After school, had work like usual. Recently the weather has been great! During the day I don't even need my coat and at night I usually leave the window open. Glad that spring is finally here.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
The Sakura are starting to bloom! Just a regular day at school. Many peop
le saw my Facial Hair video and told me how they enjoyed it. I was glad to hear it. I have a lot of fun making videos that I post online and I mostly make them for my friends and family in the US, but many of my friends in Japan also seem to enjoy them a lot.
Monday, March 24, 2008
School and shaving
It was a little colder than yesterday and rained off and on though out the day. Accounting 2 and then two friends and I went to lunch at a good pasta place called "Grace". It's close to school, good, and they give large portions, so it's a good place. International Marketing and then I headed home. I've been growing a goatee for the past couple weeks and probably if I let it go for a week longer it would have fully grown in but it was a little itchy and the right side was coming in thicker then the left throwing off the symmetry of the whole thing; plus it just doesn't feel good when kissing. haha.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter
Headed to Takehito's for his lesson, back home and then to Shinagawa for more work where I did 7 lessons straight. After I got back home, I studied accounting till it was time to sleep. Happy Easter!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Work, Utada Hikaru, and the Onsen
Headed to work which started at 11:30 and taught until 6:15. I thought I had my last lesson with my favorite student last week, but today was the real final lesson. She is always a lot of fun, I told her to start a blog to help with her English and she did, so I'm really glad that she will be continuing her study on her own. Maybe I'll start my Japanese blog back up. On break I headed to Tsutaya near by and picked up the new Utada Hikaru CD "Heart Station". It's pretty good and I really like the singles on it. I still think "Ultra Blue" is my favorite album of hers, but I'll know for sure in a week after I listen to "Heart Station" more. After I got home we headed out to a Soba place near by and then to the Onsen. I haven't been there in a while so I was glad to visit it again. I always sleep like a baby after going there.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Work on Friday
Today I had off from school but not work, so I headed to work, did some lessons and came home. As long as you have a good attitude teaching English can be a lot of fun and it's a great part-time job till I finish school. My friends are all on trips or trying to understand accounting, so I just stayed home for a change. Fortunately, I found a good site where I am able to watch my favorite US TV show, "The Office". Some of my friends said that the new season wasn't all that good, but I enjoyed the new season just as much as the previous ones. I hope it comes out on DVD here in Japan soon, so I can show it to my host dad and recommend it to my students as something to help with English.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Today is (春分の日 Shunbun no hi). It's the official day where winter ends and spring starts in Japan and also a national holiday so many people including myself have a day off from work. Unfortunately, the weather was pretty bad so I spent the day inside doing laundry, cleaning my room, and studying accounting. When the market opened in the US I picked up some Visa stock and made $120 in less than a hour. If it does half as good as MasterCard did it should be doubled by next year.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
School, ramen, and work
School like usual. After Accounting Andrew and I headed to a place called "Ramen Juro" which is this small ramen shop near school that always has a line out the door. They give huge portions and eating a whole bowl will keep you feeling full from noon till 6 or 7. After school I headed to work. After work, a bunch of people from work and I all headed out to get some food since tomorrow is a holiday.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
School, Bike ride, and my Goatee. haha
Finance, Statistics, and Risk Management. For lunch some friends and I went to The Tokyo Restaurant. It is a good restaurant near school with a cool atmosphere inside and out. My friend Ryu had his bike today and the weather was awesome so we drove to Tokyo tower and back, near Tokyo Tower we saw some new Benz being tested so it still had the black t
ape on it. Interesting that Mercedez is testing cars here in Tokyo, I would think they would do all that in Europe. Since I was on a bike I didn't want to risk dropping my camera so I didn't get to take any "spy shots". We had some presentations during Risk Management, so here is a picture of me in calss with my sweet red Goatee. I'm gonna dump it by the end of the week.
Monday, March 17, 2008
School, Currency drop, and Bank statement
Accounting and International Marketing like usual. The dollar fell today to 95 yen and settled at 96 falling from 98. Wow, America is weak! One of my friends who did the Nike gig with me didn't have a Bank that worked with the Agency so he had his money deposited in my account. I guess I have a more traditional account because I can't just look at a statement online to see when the money was deposited, but I have to go to the bank where I opened my account and put my Bank book in the ATM where it prints my statement on the book. For a country as high tech as Japan, I'm surprised at how far behind the banking is compared to the US. The banking system in the US is so much easier to use in comparison. Guess that is about it, had sushi for dinner and studied for the Statistics test.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Teaching, Ironing, and studying
Headed to Takehito's for his lesson and then back home. On the way home I saw a really sweet RX-7 just parked on the street like it was no big deal. That thing was sweet! Super GT style! Ballin'!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Work, school party, and party with school people
Headed to work at 11:30 and did 8 lessons. Saturdays are always fun to work because people are generally more relaxed. One of my favorite students will be studying English through a company program so I had my last lessons with her today.
After work I met up with my friend Miku in Shinbashi and we headed to Ropp
ongi to a place called Splash for a school party. The place looks way cooler on the website than it actually is. Like most of the school parties I've been to, it was pretty weak, but I was there so it was fun anyhow! After that some friends and I headed to A971 for a bit before jumping on the bus to Shibuya. One of the kids at school is the son or daughter of the Ambassador for the UAE and they had a huge party at the
Embassy. On the way there one of my friends pulled up in his car and we hitched a ride with him there. The place was pretty big and had a huge gate that opened so we could park. It was like something out of a movie. Guess when you have a lot of oil to sell and a lot of people that want to buy, it adds up.
Friday, March 14, 2008
School and going out with Friends
Accounting and International Marketing like usual. At night I met up with John and some friends. We went out to a Izakaya. I always like going to Izakayas because the atmosphere is very cool. Most of them you take your shoes off and put them in a locker at the door and the tables and seating is low. More and more of the Izakayas are starting to incorporate a digital touch screen menu at all the tables, so you can look at pictures of the food, the prices, and the total of your order before you place it. Then whenever the food is ready a server brings it to your table. It makes ordering more fun, and keeps the conversation going uninterrupted.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Finance, and work
Woke up around 5, headed back home, took and shower, and headed back to school for the Finance test. The test was a little different than the review sheet, which made it bad. After Finance was Statistics and then I was able to relax a bit until it was time for work. Some friends and I all headed to Sukiya for lunch. It's like Yoshinoya but with more variety and you can get Cheese on your Gyudon, which is awesome! Had work and then went home.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
School, work, and study
Accounting, study for Finance, International Marketing, Work. After work I headed back to school and met up with Josh and Ryu and we studied till 11:00 when they closed the building. Since there was still some stuff that needed to be covered, we all headed to Josh's'. On the way there the train stopped for a bit because some drunk guy was wondering around on the track. I guess in a city with as many people as Tokyo, there is always something interesting going on. After we got to Josh's' we studied till about 2:30 and since the last train is around 12:30 slept on the floor there.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Finance, Statistics, and then study for Risk Management till it was time for class. Since the class is 3 hours long the teacher started teaching some new material but everyone just studied for the test and didn't pay attention so he gave out the test a little earlier than planned.
Monday, March 10, 2008
School, study, and a Skyline
Usual day at school. Had online accounting test which was ok. Sighed up for
the White Day event coming up Saturday and tried studying for the Risk Management Test coming up tomorrow and then had International Marketing. In the parking lot near school there is usually a cool white R34 with White Nismo rims that looks nice so I took a photo. After I got home, ate dinner and studied for the test tomorrow
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Work, work, and study
Headed to Takehito for his lesson. Stopped back home, changed and hea
ded to Shinagawa GABA. I met a student that I had met before at a GABA party and it was good to talk with him again. One of my favorite students that I haven't seen in for months had a lesson with me, and she is a lot of fun so it was good to have a lesson with her again. After busting out 8 lessons straight like a man I headed home and had dinner. After dinner studied Risk Management till it was sleep time. I love the commercials for Asience here in Japan, cause they just show some asian girl with white guys. It's kinda funny.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Work, study, and sleep
Went to work, busted out 9 lessons like a man and went home. Studied risk management and went to bed.
Friday, March 7, 2008
School, Ramen, and going out
Accounting and International Trade. For lunch today some friends and I went to the Ramen place near school. It's fairly small but always has a line outside for people waiting to get in. After about a 30 minute wait we were able to get in and get our Ramen. I guess the place is famous for it's large portions and low price, because it offered both. I had heard about th
e size of the portions before and I wanted to see if I could eat the largest size or not. I couldn't. It was huge! Actually I ate all the Noodles, Meat, and Vegetables, but I couldn't finish the last bit of soup. After I was hurting for a while.
At night I met up with Josh and Ryan at Heartland cause they had been closed for remodeling and reopened today. We headed to
A971 but the ratio was pretty bad so we went back to Heartland and met up with some Japanese friends from school. I met Lynne who works for a consulting firm who I know from the career fair we had at school a while back. She introduced me to almost everyone from her work, including the CEO who happened to be out. So after I graduate I already have a job set!
At night I met up with Josh and Ryan at Heartland cause they had been closed for remodeling and reopened today. We headed to
Thursday, March 6, 2008
School and work
Finance, getting ready for the next test. And Statistics, trying to understand Math, and why we still need to learn to do it in our heads. During class, my friend Josh was playing with his calculator and said "I can do all this stuff on here much more efficiently."
After school I had work at night and that was the day.
After school I had work at night and that was the day.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Day off from school but not work
Cleaned my room, did some laundry, and tried to figure out accounting till 2:00. Then I headed to work, did 5 lessons, went back home, ironed and watched TV till it was time to go to bed.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Finance, Statistics, and Risk Management. In Risk Management we did group presentations and my group went today. Of course we had the best, most entertaining power point show and it was awesome! After class I headed to Shinjuku, got a hair cut and then headed home for dinner.
Monday, March 3, 2008
School and meeting up with friends
Accounting, and International Marketing like usual. After class I stopped home to drop off some stuff and headed back out to Shinjuku to meet up with my friend Yumiyo. I saw her yesterday at the GABA party and she E-mailed this morning to meet. Her and I met up and looked for a place that she had a coupon for in Kabuki-cho. The road system thought most of Japan is really bad, with many unlabeled streets, and a poorly laid out network of streets. This was no exception, and even with the map we had difficulty finding the place. Finally we had to ask the police and they did their job and told us where it was.
The place was called Pink Big Pig. It was a comedy club/ entertainment club.
When we got there, the girl working gave us a tour of the place. I guess it is pretty popular because they had a board showing all the people that have performed there and there were many TV talents that I had seen before on TV. There were some quite private tables, 2 person Karaoke booths, Darts, and the main lounge area where we sat. It was (食べ放題 tabe ho dai) all you can eat and (飲み放題 nomi ho dai) all you can drink. The food was on a round table and in the middle of the table was a huge spinning disco ball with a big pink pig on it. On stage up front there
was a new half dancing and singing, which was pretty creepy, but for some reason Japanese people find it interesting and entertaining. It was just finishing up its act and then during the break two more Gaba people showed up. A guy started playing guitar and piano on stage and he was pretty good, but nothing great. After that I headed home.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Kabuki and Work party
Headed to Takehito's for this lesson like always and then back home. Ate some sushi for lunch and then we all headed out to The National Theater in Tokyo for Kabuki. Kabuki is considered a intangible cultural heritage and is a form of play that originated in Japan about 400 years ago. The story was about a guy who saved a magical fox and the fox took the form of a girl who he married and had a son with. After being married for 5 years to the fox the real girl that he was supposed to marry came and then he found out that the girl he was married to was actually a magical fox. I guess it's pretty common here. It was pretty cool and probably the closest thing we have to it in the US would be opera.
After Kabuki I stopped home, changed, and headed out to Shinagawa for a work party. It was at a Hotel there and there was close to 800 people there. They had all you can drink and all you can eat. The CEO was there and he gave a little speech. There were some people who did a musical performance and they had prizes.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Work, Dinner, and Sleep
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