Got up today and headed to school around noon to study for the accounting test. It was the final and was pretty tough but I think I made it. After the test I headed home, grabbed food and headed out to Tokyo Midtown to meet up with Josh, Yu, and Ryan. We grabbed some drinks from Starbucks, hung out in Midtown a bit, headed to Roppongi Hills, and headed home.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Study and Work
Did some study for the Accounting final and headed to work. After work Mason and I walked around for a bit and called Andrew and he was on his way home so we met up with him and he showed us his apartment, he pays way too much for it, but it's really nice.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Headed to Yokosuka today with Charles and his friend. Went to the base and I picked up some new shirts for work and a new pair of shoes. With all the walking that I do here in Tokyo shoes wear down much quicker then they did in the US. That pretty much took up the whole day.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Math, Study, and Home
Headed in for the last day of Math till the final. After that I headed to the computer lab and made up a study sheet for Ethics. From there I headed home.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Last day of actual class. Japanese, Ethics, and a online Accounting test which is all extra credit for the Final. My friend Mason got his car a on Thursday last week and went driving all over this past weekend. He told me how he met up with some other drifters and was really impressed at the skills of the people he met, pretty cool stuff.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Teaching, Lunch, and Homework
Headed over to Takehito's for his lesson and after we went to a restaurant near his house for lunch. It was a open style cafe with good food. After that I headed home and worked on my paper for Ethics.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Work, Tokyo Midtown
Today I headed into work, taught 4 lessons spaced out and headed home. It was a little warmer then yesterday which was nice. After I got home I had dinner and headed to Tokyo Midtown where I met up with some friends. We got some Starbucks and hung out till the last train. In Tokyo they really go to great lengths to decorate the city for Christmas, and Roppongi is no exception.
Friday, November 23, 2007
School stuff, Red Lobster, and the Onsen
During the day I worked on school stuff. In the evening a previous home stay person came to visit and we went out to eat at Red Lobster after we headed to the Onsen, and it was relaxing as always. One thing that I've started to take for granted here in Japan is the lev
el of service that you receive anytime you go to a restaurant. Even down to a fast food place like McDonald's the employees always seem like they are happy to see you and give you great service. Sometimes I think about the difference of service in the US and Japan and also the fact that in Japan you don't leave a tip really makes me realize the difference. In the US when the server is being super nice or friendly, people always assume they are trying to get a bigger tip; but in Japan the servers are almost always smiling, nice, and friendly without any expectation of a tip.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Handing in a project, work, and new immigration policy
Had off from school today so I cleaned my room and made some final changed to my project for business strategies. Got dressed and headed to school to print out the project and hand it in. After that I headed to work, one student booked a double lesson with me but didn't show up so I got paid for 2 lessons worth and didn't do anything. Tomorrow is a Holiday in Japan strangely enough it is called "Labor Thanksgiving Day" funny stuff.

Japan on Tuesday became the second country after the US to compile biometric data of foreigners entering the country. The new system requires all foreign visitors aged 16 years and older to have their fingerprints scanned and have photographs taken on arrival. They say it's to fight terror, but Japan is not often a target of terrorists. In Japanese history, all instances of terrorism have been carried out by Japanese nationals so this seems pretty random since there hasn't been any foreign terrorism in Japan recently. Previously, all foreigners living in Japan were fingerprinted, but the government has since ceased this practice. The US has a similar fingerprinting policy, but it does not apply to permanent residents who are not US citizens. Something to look forward to when you come to visit.
Japan on Tuesday became the second country after the US to compile biometric data of foreigners entering the country. The new system requires all foreign visitors aged 16 years and older to have their fingerprints scanned and have photographs taken on arrival. They say it's to fight terror, but Japan is not often a target of terrorists. In Japanese history, all instances of terrorism have been carried out by Japanese nationals so this seems pretty random since there hasn't been any foreign terrorism in Japan recently. Previously, all foreigners living in Japan were fingerprinted, but the government has since ceased this practice. The US has a similar fingerprinting policy, but it does not apply to permanent residents who are not US citizens. Something to look forward to when you come to visit.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
School and Style?
Japanese we had the last of the presentations and in Ethics we did the same thing we always do. After Ethics, Mason, Charles, and I headed to Flamingo to get our photos and measurements taken for a possible NHK drama. Got back to school then had Accounting a little later and headed home. I was gonna go out since we don't have school Thursday or Friday but I was too tired, so I just stayed in.
One thing that just seems a little off here is some of the fashion in Japan. Somehow this gay hair style is somewhat popular for guys and is very common among hosts in Japan. It looks totally retarded and whenever I ask girls about it, they don't really seem to think it's cool, so I don't really understand it. This hair style is usually accompanied with really tight clothes that add to the gayness even further. This isn't a style that most guys have, but it's popular enough that it is something that I see on a daily basis living in Tokyo.
Today's Count:4
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
School and Work
Monday, November 19, 2007
School and the GTR
Headed to school a little early today to prepare for the presentation that I have to give in Japanese class.
My friend and I did our presentation on Racers and Drifters in Japan. The C1 loop is a stretch of freeway in Tokyo that hits the main areas of Tokyo quickly and easily. This stretch which is featured in many racing games and has become famous among people known as the Roulette-zoku. (ルーレット族) Roulette referring to the loop of the freeway itself and Zoku, a word for clan for family. Roulette Zoku is anyone that races on the C1 loop in Tokyo. We talked about the History, Culture, and how racing and drifting grew in popularity over the past years.
After Japanese we had Ethics.
After Ethics Mason, Yu, and I headed to Ginza to see the GTR display they had set up. In the smaller showroom near the station they had a Silver and Red GTR that you could get in and checkout. They had a video with interviews of the people who worked on the car and footage of it doing laps at Nurburing. Through talking to the staff we found out that currently Nissan is only producing 200 GTR's a month and has already taken over 2000 orders. Should start seeing them on the road middle of next month.

My friend and I did our presentation on Racers and Drifters in Japan. The C1 loop is a stretch of freeway in Tokyo that hits the main areas of Tokyo quickly and easily. This stretch which is featured in many racing games and has become famous among people known as the Roulette-zoku. (ルーレット族) Roulette referring to the loop of the freeway itself and Zoku, a word for clan for family. Roulette Zoku is anyone that races on the C1 loop in Tokyo. We talked about the History, Culture, and how racing and drifting grew in popularity over the past years.
After Japanese we had Ethics.
After Ethics Mason, Yu, and I headed to Ginza to see the GTR display they had set up. In the smaller showroom near the station they had a Silver and Red GTR that you could get in and checkout. They had a video with interviews of the people who worked on the car and footage of it doing laps at Nurburing. Through talking to the staff we found out that currently Nissan is only producing 200 GTR's a month and has already taken over 2000 orders. Should start seeing them on the road middle of next month.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Work, and Finishing the project
Got up, did some ironing and headed to Takehito's for his lesson. From there I headed to Shinjuku. It was 20 degrees in the afternoon but cooled down to half that by the time I finished work. After work I headed to Shibuya and met up with Mason. We went over some of the details for our presentation for Japanese class and headed home. It's only the 18th of November but the Christmas decorations are already everywhere.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Work, Fireworks, and a Movie
Had work from 10:45 did 5 lessons and headed home. One of my students had her first lesson today and was really cute, but had a boyfriend. Oh well, guess I'll have to walk 5 feet outside of work to find one just as cute but single. Fuji TV is
still celebrating their anniversary so they had a fireworks show again, they had some awesome ones that makes hearts, and smiley faces in the sky. After that had some Yaki Soba for dinner and headed to the theater to see Born Ultimatum, it was a really good movie but I think they used handheld camera a little too much.
Friday, November 16, 2007
School, Driving on the C1, and to Daikoku
Japanese, Ethics, and Accounting. Today in Japanese we just had presentations. I'll be doing mine with Mason on Drifting on Monday. Got my test back in Accounting and did better then I thought, guess I'll be able to pass after all.
After Class Some friends and I got some food and met up with Mason in Tam
achi. He rented some Mazda and we headed out to get some new footage for our project and have fun. After figuring out how to use the Nav system and get to the C1 loop, we did a couple loops on the C1 looking for cool cars and getting footage for our project. We pulled into a small rest stop that a lot of people with cool cars hang out at. We talked to one guy who had a 800hp Skyline and it was awesome and good, but mostly awesome. After we headed to Daikokufutou, which is a big rest stop in Yokohama near the docks where a lot of the cars are shipped out of Japan from. We took the back roads so we wouldn't have to pay the freeway tolls. We got to the intersection that we saw the drifting at before and talked to some guys that were hanging out there with their cars. No one really drifts there on Fridays, so we didn't see any. It mostly happens on Saturdays.
After Class Some friends and I got some food and met up with Mason in Tam
Thursday, November 15, 2007
School and work
Math and Business strategies today. The math teacher was back and he returned a lot of the papers and tests. I got the same exact score on every test this semester. It was the last class for Business strategies but I have to do a research project on a company based on a job posting for a company that I would be qualified for and like to work for. Should be fun. Contra 4 came out today and it's really really good.
Today's Count <10
Today's Count <10
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Japanese test, Ethics, and Accounting test. The semester flew by and finals are coming up soon. Crazy. Ultimate Mortal Kombat was released for DS today and it's pretty good. Still waiting for Contra 4.
Today's Count: 4
Today's Count: 4
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
School and work
Headed to school today to find that my class was canceled. On the way home I stopped at Shimbashi station to get a new train pass for the month since my previous one had expired. When I got home I had lunch and did some ironing. Headed to work around 4:00 did three lessons and headed home for dinner. Coming from America there are lots of things that I take for granted like, Freedom, Liberty, Justice, and Soap and paper towels in the bathroom. Soap and paper towels in public bathrooms are a rarity in Japan here for some reason. Temple has soap but no paper towel or hand dryer, Work has everything, as does home. I guess most people carry around a handkerchief to dry their hands on but somehow the idea of carrying a wet cloth around in my pocket doesn't quite appeal to me.
Today's Count: 4
Today's Count: 4
Monday, November 12, 2007
Japanese, Ethics, and Accounting. Pretty much a regular day.
Japan is a pretty high-tech country and is known for improving things, such as cars or TV's. Sometimes there are some things that could use some more improvement though. Elevators are the first thing that comes to mind. There are usually no sensors on the doors and they often close on people, especially the one at the school. Because of the lack of sensors, the person inside the elevator often has to hold the door open button so it won't close on people entering or exiting the elevator.
Other times they take "improvements" too far. Pizza is the best example, being that here in Japan they put a lot of different toppings on the Pizza, such as corn, or other things that don't belong on a Pizza.
Today's Count: 5
My brother does Japanese Taiko drumming and sent me a clip, so here it is. I did this for about a month and it was pretty cool, the combination of power and grace gives a feeling that can't be replicated in any other instrument.
Japan is a pretty high-tech country and is known for improving things, such as cars or TV's. Sometimes there are some things that could use some more improvement though. Elevators are the first thing that comes to mind. There are usually no sensors on the doors and they often close on people, especially the one at the school. Because of the lack of sensors, the person inside the elevator often has to hold the door open button so it won't close on people entering or exiting the elevator.
Other times they take "improvements" too far. Pizza is the best example, being that here in Japan they put a lot of different toppings on the Pizza, such as corn, or other things that don't belong on a Pizza.
Today's Count: 5
My brother does Japanese Taiko drumming and sent me a clip, so here it is. I did this for about a month and it was pretty cool, the combination of power and grace gives a feeling that can't be replicated in any other instrument.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Teaching and the Motor Show
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Rain and Work
Got up today and headed into work. Did 8 lessons and headed back home. After I got home we headed to Decks and ate at a Italian restaurant there. It was pretty good. Fuji Television is celebrating the anniversary of their building so every Saturday for a while they are setting off fireworks off, so I'll have a fireworks show every Saturday at least for the rest of the month.
Friday, November 9, 2007
School and hanging out
Japanese, Ethics, and Accounting. Today after Ethics, Mason,
Yu, and I headed out to check out a Skyline that Mason had planned on purchasing. The dealer he found the car at was a little hole in the wall dealer and really wasn't much different from the crap dealers in the US. Mason had called yesterday to make sure that the car was still there and to let the guy know that he wanted to look at it. After about a 40min ride to get there we met with the guy who ran the place and the first question he asked was "do you have any money?" Then he told us that the car was at a different lot so we couldn't see it and couldn't drive it because it didn't have shaken which is like road tax, liability insurance, and all fees involved with the required inspection here. It
lasts for two years and is transferable between owners. The costs vaires depending on the weight and size of the engine in the car. The way the car was listed on the dealer website it appeared that the car and 2 year shaken was about $1,200 but when we got there were told that the price was just for the car and it would costs about $3,800 for the car with shaken. The costs actually winds up being lower when you consider that insurance in the US for a similar car would be about $80 or $90 a month while here in Japan you're only paying about $15. It seems like more cause it's all up front for 2 year coverage. The part where the costs increase is if there are any repairs required for the car. Japan has ver strict regulations for vechiles and cars can't have any leaking oil, suspension parts have to be good, and the car basically has to be in like new condition mechanically. If something is wrong with the car, it would have to be repaired before it can be driven.
Anyhow, after that we came back to School empty handed and prepared for the Accounting test. It was online and I did pretty good on it. After that a bunch of people from class all headed to the Soba place near school and hung out for a while. Then I headed home.
Today's Count: 7
Anyhow, after that we came back to School empty handed and prepared for the Accounting test. It was online and I did pretty good on it. After that a bunch of people from class all headed to the Soba place near school and hung out for a while. Then I headed home.
Today's Count: 7
Thursday, November 8, 2007
School and Work
Math and Business Strategies. Today we turned in our final copies of our res
umes. After that I headed to work and did 4 lessons. Mason and I finished work at the same time so before heading home we went to the game center near work and played Maximum Tune 3. There was a guy there that was playing the Claw Machines (U.F.O. Catcher) and he was winning a prize every time. It was unbelievable, people never win when they play those but that guy was emptying out the machine and the guy working there had to keep refilling that machine and help him put all his prizes into bags, it was crazy.
Today's Count: 4
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Japanese, Ethics and Accounting. In Ethics we watched "Inconvenient Truth" and after that I signed up for next semester's classes. I'll be taking Accounting 2, Statistics, Ri
sk Management, International Marketing, and International Trade. Should keep me pretty busy so I don't think I'll have time to take Japanese as a class but just have to study it on my own. I've been in Japan about 6 months now and before I left I did some investing and one stock that I am glad I got is Nintendo, it's just been going up and up. Starting to slow now but will definitely pick up more as Christmas gets closer.
Today's Count: 5

Today's Count: 5
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
School and Work
Math. Headed home and did some laundry/ironing and headed to work. I found out the other day that work is a lot closer then I thought and after a 6 minute train ride across the bridge I can walk there in about 10 minutes, which is great for now but maybe not so great when it starts getting colder.
Today's Count: 3
Today's Count: 3
Monday, November 5, 2007
Japanese, Ethics, and Accounting. Just a regular day. After school I headed home for dinner, worked on some homework and went to bed.
Today's Count: 3
Today's Count: 3
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Teaching, Teaching, and Learning?
Got up today around 9 and headed to Shiburafuto which is one station away across rainbow bridge and met up with Takehito, my host families' son. He wants to learn English so I am teaching him. After our lesson I headed to Shinjuku and worked till 6. From there I headed back home, ate dinner and worked on school stuff.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Nike Commercial
I Got up at 4:30 today and took the 5:19 train to get to Shinagawa by 6:00. T
here I met up with 4 other people that I invited to join, we checked in and headed to the bus. They had a couple large tour buses and they drove us out to Chiba, about 40 min out of Tokyo in the country. There were about 100 people. We arrived in Chiba around 7:00 at a large lot near the water. As people came off the bus, they were checked out and if the staff thought it was necessary they were provided with Nike shoes, shirts, and shorts. I guess they were ok with what I was wearing so didn't get anything but about half of the people there were wearing new shoes. They gave us all white earbuds so
it looked like we were listening to iPods. There was a long strip taped on the ground that everyone lined up on and they messed around with the position of people for a while while checking the lighting and setting up the shot. There were about 10 people that just helped with directing people on what to do and they had 3 cameras. There was a cherry-picker truck that they used to get a high angle shot, a camera set up on the ground, and a handheld that they used for some other shots. When they called action we acted like we were stretching and getting ready to run, then they
counted down and we all ran. We did about 20 different takes with different timing and different things. It was pretty cold in the morning but warmed up as the day went on. They had us pose on the line in a running stance for about 20 minutes or so while they took pictures and got some footage. Holding that position really hurt! They gave us lunch and we did some other things and headed back.
After getting home I took a shower and headed to Shibuya to meet up
with a friend. We headed to a Izakaya style restaurant, which is a Japanese style bar/restaurant called Yu-Syoku Higashiyama-an. Long name but it was a cool place. To enter the place you had to go down some stairs with bamboo on either side and through a sliding door. They had a counter to sit at with water running down the wall and private tables with a shade that the server would open and close when they brought food or took your order. After we headed to Karaoke and then I went home and got some sleep.
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